jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Grafitti is an art, not bad

¿what is graffiti or street art?

It is a form like people express their emotions and thinking about different situations. This modality is a trend in Latin-American that has caused revolution. Some people feel nonconformist about the problematic or situation in their countries and take the walls of their countries for to do creative drawings.
Graffiti has become a strong social protest against all abuses by government, delinquency, and social differentiation. Behind each drawing they leave a footprint, there are a deep meaning. The purpose of this art is to open the eyes of another people for be aware about the situation that often have eyes blind.

In Colombia, especially Bogotá, the street art is synonyms of delinquency, vandalism, and sometimes"grafiteros" have been attacked by policeman. ¿why citizen have this thinking? Because common people don't understand the message transmitted. They think that this activity is idle and make dirty the city. Fortunately exist people who defend graffiti and try that other people to see this “mamarrachos” like an art.

On the other hand, countries as Argentina and Brazil, this practice is considered part of art for which is admired by each person who see this. This happen because it is approved by international institutions, in addition, people from those countries have other culture.

Finally, I consider that graffitists are amazing, “grafiteros” have a big talent for to do abstract, big and wonderful drawing, they have creativity and is a positive form to express feelings, behaviors, thinking, and why not¨? Propose married. 

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