jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Grafitti is an art, not bad

¿what is graffiti or street art?

It is a form like people express their emotions and thinking about different situations. This modality is a trend in Latin-American that has caused revolution. Some people feel nonconformist about the problematic or situation in their countries and take the walls of their countries for to do creative drawings.
Graffiti has become a strong social protest against all abuses by government, delinquency, and social differentiation. Behind each drawing they leave a footprint, there are a deep meaning. The purpose of this art is to open the eyes of another people for be aware about the situation that often have eyes blind.

In Colombia, especially Bogotá, the street art is synonyms of delinquency, vandalism, and sometimes"grafiteros" have been attacked by policeman. ¿why citizen have this thinking? Because common people don't understand the message transmitted. They think that this activity is idle and make dirty the city. Fortunately exist people who defend graffiti and try that other people to see this “mamarrachos” like an art.

On the other hand, countries as Argentina and Brazil, this practice is considered part of art for which is admired by each person who see this. This happen because it is approved by international institutions, in addition, people from those countries have other culture.

Finally, I consider that graffitists are amazing, “grafiteros” have a big talent for to do abstract, big and wonderful drawing, they have creativity and is a positive form to express feelings, behaviors, thinking, and why not¨? Propose married. 

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Bangkok`s Mexican Gangsters

Thai Gangsters are an example of appropriation of another culture because they have adopted specific features from a subculture using the style, music that express the social problematic and nonconformist with the government. They adopted their clothes, tattoos and hairstyle. They have a obsession with Mexican Gangsters group like a appreciation of their aesthetic and style.

Thai Gangsters do not want to adopted the bad behavior of Latino Gangs like Latin Kings, they want to sing hip hop and write songs that speaking about corruption in the government or abortion.

The most important feature of this phenomenon is that non of the men who belong to this group appreciate the violence that often is related with conventional Latin King group who are violent and are involved with drugs. They don`t fight amongst themselves. 

Other aspect important is that, although the Thai Gangsters`s appearance may be seem bad, they are good people, and some of them are familiar man and consulting their wives before take a decision like putting some tattoos.

The real interest of Thai Gansters I infer that is enjoy the style, they like cars, tattos, the black and  white clothes but the most important is to show by their song the discontented about the social problems like poverty, abortion, inequality and the issues with the goverment that not fight for rights of their citizen.  Thai Gangsters just wants to express their feeling about the different situation in their lifes.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


Unfortunately, racism is a reality. Although nowadays, Afro Colombians have been included in some activities, still they are discriminate by white people. I consider that black people and white people both have the same ability to develop any activities, but in ours society black people or Afro Colombians don't have the same opportunity of improve, develop, go to school or university. According to the video that I saw in the Intercultural Communication Blog, 76% of Afro Colombians is poor and the minority of them can to go to University. That is very alarming for me because I think that may be in this moment some children from Afro Colombian community without nothing to eat, and may be there a lot children die for desnutrition. This situation hurt me. Why some people discriminate black people? if it is just a different kind of skin. Color skin not define how a person is. A lot white people are criminal, steal things, kill people, provoke war etc. Why think that Afro Colombians are bad people? why discriminate them? if they are people like you and like me. They are people very intelligent, people that have feelings, and they have the ability of change this world too.